Scoliosis Blog
January Scoliosis Ramble
Scoliosis work is continuing to move along steadily.
I was researching the SRS website (Scoliosis Research Society (predominately surgeons) who state that the only recommended treatment options for scoliosis is bracing and /or surgery. ALL other treatment modalities (including physical therapy) are termed alternative treatments and not endorsed as beneficial in the treatment of scoliosis. I have always strived for excellence in therapy and kept up to date with modern EFFECTIVE treatment techniques. It is distressing to realise that one of the "partners" in the scoliosis team is reluctant to acknowledge that Schroth might have a role in assisting the management of the curve profiles.
It is always daunting to commence a new treatment path, especially with such "high stakes" patients. I am verly lucky in that I have managed to harness the experience of Lior Neuhaus in Israel, Beth Janssen in Wisconsin and of course, Dr Rigo in Barcelona. We were very well trained in Wisconsin but there are always borderline cases that make contact hoping for advice regarding conservative management of their curves. I have been communicating with some "difficult" cases over the last few weeks and unfortunately I can see why some alternative care practitioners are causing the established medical community to hesitate when dealing with conservative management.
One case in particular involves a 12 year old girl with a 70 degree thoracic curve and a 35 degree lumbar curve. She is from interstate and has been visiting a "so-called" conservative management scoliosis expert overseas. This expert advised the family that the young girl would not need to wear her prescribed brace and that she should continue with her exercises using a special chair. I discussed the case with the group and we all agreed that unfortunately this is one case where conservative management is not indicated and is probably unethical to recommend. The danger is that this young girl could land up with a curve exceeding 100 degrees!
The SRS states that they cannot endorse alternative therapy because of a lack of peered reviewed medical journal articles supporting the different treatment approaches. There is probably a shortage of articles but they are being gradually added to the available literature. I think that inappropriate and dangerous recommendations on the part of so called "conservative management" specialists only adds to the reluctance of the mainstream medical partners (surgeons) to take us seriously.
I will hopefully over the next few weeks be making contact with some of the scoliosis experts and we'll have to see how things go.